
Mobus / Testimonials

Mobus Testimonials – SUBMIT NOW

Rick George
Rick George
10 years ago
Mobus Creative Negotiating has simply taken it to the next level.

I have been to a Chester Karrass presentation but these guys at Mobus have taken it to the next level.

Since then I have also been involved with the Institute of Supply Management, so there is a lot of negotiation going on there, I have been predominantly in the private sector -- but now in the public sector this has given me a whole different perspective on what purchasing negotiation is about.

I think they are doing an excellent job of transcending between private and public sector negotiations. It's been really good hands-on information that I'll be able to take back to my desk and hopefully achieve the goals of excellent savings and costs for this coming year.

Greg Squires
Greg Squires
Vice President, Client Success, Shopatron
9 years ago
I've really appreciated the content and the approach; it’s a really engaging and interactive style of learning...

I came to this negotiation seminar to learn more about how to work with our customers and manage the relationships that we have with those customers. I've been really pleased with the content and the approach that the Mobus team has taken to help train this group and give us some fresh ideas for how to approach some often conflicting or combative situations.

They've given us some really good tools; some really good framework to really think about how to build rapport in a negotiation and not just think about bargaining, not just think about price, not just focus on what's gonna be the best deal for me and my organization, but how to think about building value for the partner, value for the customer, or the other person in the negotiation -- so both parties come to the end of the discussion and are satisfied with the outcome and both parties feel like they've gotten a good deal out of the negotiation and everybody wins.

Lalena Daigneault
Lalena Daigneault
Project Manager
10 years ago
This is my first seminar on negotiating.

I'm going to be negotiating a contract for a software purchase in the next few months and I'm going to be going over all of the tactics that I learned here, before I do that.

It was a lot more useful than I was expecting.
The leaders were dynamic. They had a lot of good energy and a lot of really good information that made it valuable to me. I'm frequently frustrated when I go to trainings and I get about one hour of useful information for four hours of my time -- and I feel like I've just gotten so much useful information over these last 2 days.

Kevin Bumen
Kevin Bumen
Director of Airports
10 years ago
It’s a great seminar!

We negotiate frequently for contracts and services with on-airport providers as well as other entities… the airport world has plenty of negotiation attached to it.

It's a great opportunity to refresh your negotiating skills as well as look more holistically at the opportunities in any negotiation to create more value, build a relationship and a partnership, and ultimately get the job done - in the most effective way.

The presenters did a really nice job of presenting the material and creating the simulated negotiations in way that was compelling; and certainly always interesting to talk about the outcomes -- given there are so many ways it can turn out!

Cindy Ransdell
Cindy Ransdell
Purchasing Department
10 years ago
My experience with Mobus Creative Negotiating has been exciting and dynamic!

[Cindy works for the purchasing department of San Luis Obispo]
Overall just a fabulous experience -- that's all!

Daniel Milei
Daniel Milei
IT Director
10 years ago
You have to look at the other side of the fence.

As the IT director I have many vendors and many agreements that I maintain with software companies, hardware companies and consultants. We continuously have projects that we are negotiating. We have many agreements, so definitely it's negotiating all the time [for us]!

It was interesting to see that you have to look at the other side of the fence and find out what their motivations and goals are. Trying to be a good listener, to be very active in your conversation, and to be willing to find a way to set up a win-win situation - that is very important as well.

The class has been very dynamic; definitely there is a lot of information. I really like the exercises, which can be exhausting like [in] real life; definitely there is a lot to learn!

Linda Van Fleet
Linda Van Fleet
Property Manager
10 years ago
Every minute has been really intriguing! I never have lost interest during the entire seminar - [and] we're almost done with Day 2!

It's been fascinating. Wonderful quality of presenters! To tell you the truth, I was kind of dreading this seminar, I have had negotiation seminars before and have had to do role-playing in front of the audience and then be critiqued, and I just found it very off-putting. So, this whole method of breaking off into teams, and doing the case studies has been very eye-opening and enjoyable.

I've learned some extremely creative ways to come to yes, and get that deal made, and the collaborative method has been a good reminder of how to get to know the other parties and what their needs are -that's the classic method. This goes far beyond that into really creating synergy and finding out creative ways…to get to yes. I've just loved every minute.

10 years ago
"We had exercises, we had research, we had video content, we had humor, and it was just very informative and well thought-out."

There's a lot of negotiation seminars out there, but I was very pleasantly pleased with this particular presentation because it brought new material to the table in a variety of presentation styles. We had exercises, we had research, we had video content, we had humor, and it was just very informative and well thought-out.

The exercises were a lot of fun!

It's the whole synthesis of ideas [in the Mobus seminar], and the play of one idea into the next, that helps to build this tool kit of available resources to be used with negotiations. Helping to understand the continuum and the needs and wants of both parties gave me more tools to put forward.

Paul Porter
Paul Porter
IT Manager
10 years ago
Knowing that the other side has the same if not more challenges, allows me to negotiate differently -- potentially getting a better deal for everyone.

Never been to a seminar before, this is my first one.

Great time, great experience, two days [of] action-packed learning opportunity - got a lot of things I didn't know, some things I did know that were reinforced that I had kind of forgotten about - not only applying to my professional life but my personal life as well. Next time I go buy a car I'm going to feel so prepared; I'm just going to get a huge deal.

I think realizing that the other side has constraints and challenges and pressures is the most important thing I've learned.

All the above testimonials are from our seminar attendees.

Mobus Creative Negotiating is committed to serve as an ongoing learning resource for our training graduates. Follow us on twitter, linkedin, facebook, leave a testimonial and don’t forget to check the Mobus blog regularly for useful negotiation tips. If you have a question about an upcoming negotiation, email Nathan Hertz Nathan Hertz.

Please contact us for additional references, a detailed outline of our customizable seminar, a price list, and live seminar video footage.

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